You may think you need a juicer to make fresh juice but that’s not true! Here’s how to make fresh juice without a juicer.
Vanilla Maca Bites

I promised you on Monday I’d have a recipe for you today! I whipped up these Vanilla Maca Bites so you’d have something to do with the cashew pulp you have sitting around after you’ve made your cashew milk. So don’t throw it out!
Coconut Matcha Bites

Here is the next bite recipe as promised! Today we’re talking about coconut matcha bites and they are dairy-free and nut-free. A few of you have asked me about meal prepping. These bites are a perfect addition to your meal prep routine.
Deciduous D’s Green Smoothie Recipe

This is the first guest post on Crunchy Kat! And it’s a perfect recipe for this time of year. Did you overindulge in holiday treats? Have you told yourself you’re going to try something new in 2017? Perhaps you’re going to do a Whole 30 starting on January 1. Or, maybe you just love green smoothies! A […]
Wildway Grain Free Granola – a perfect treat

I met the gang from Wildway at Expo East back in September and their products instantly hooked me. I stopped by their booth three times over the course of two days. Kelli and Kyle started Wildway due to their passion for healthy living + adventure. They quickly realized that quality nutrition is a key element to […]
Pumpkin Spice Almond Milk

Did you know today, October 26th, is National Pumpkin Day? Even if you didn’t, happy #NationalPumpkinDay, friends! I made us a pumpkin spice almond milk to celebrate. We all know everyone is obsessed with pumpkin. And why shouldn’t we be? It’s delicious! Recently, a Jrink Juicery opened near my apartment. I love their Pumpkin Chai and […]
Expo East 2016 Recap

Back in March, a few of my favorite bloggers were all at Expo West. Expo West is the largest natural, organic, and healthy products trade show in the world. It’s held in Anaheim, CA and I knew right away I needed to attend. After some quick internet searching, I learned there is also an Expo […]
Root: a review

I first heard of Root a few months ago on Nicolle Mackinnon’s Instagram account. I visited Root’s site right away and loved their mission but thought it would be hard to buy makeup online without testing the colors first. Given my predicament, I was delighted to find the ladies from Root at the Indie Beauty Expo! […]