Man oh man. The holidays are busy, huh? I can’t believe Christmas is here! These last few weeks have been packed to the brim so I’m hoping to slow down and enjoy the season with my family this weekend. I’ve also spent the last week or so making plans for Crunchy Kat in 2017. I love […]
Friday Faves
Friday Faves – No. 9

I thought it was Friday two days ago. That’s never a good sign. But it’s finally Friday for real! What are you up to this weekend? I’m celebrating Christmas with my in-laws (a few days early) and I’m really excited about it! Here is what I’ve been reading and listening to this week Why you […]
Friday Faves – No. 8

Happy Friday, friends! It’s finally cold where I am and all I want to do is curl up under a pile of blankets and make some tea. Pass the matcha, please! What do you have planned this weekend? I hope it’s something fun! Here is what I’ve been reading and listening to this week Six concealer […]
Friday Faves – No. 7

Weeks after holidays are hard, aren’t they? It’s hard to get back into the swing of things. At least it is for me. But let’s be honest, December is hardly a regular month. There are holiday parties to attend, happy hours to host, and presents to wrap! Seems like our to-do lists are never-ending. I […]
Friday Faves – No. 6

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! The weather has been fantastic here and I’ve been outside as much as possible. We had a lovely meal and evening at my in-laws’ house and have spent a lot of time relaxing and watching football. Did you head out for any Black Friday shopping today? Did you […]
Friday Faves – No. 5

Well, here we are again, friends! Happy Friday. I am so pumped for Thanksgiving next week, it’s definitely my favorite holiday. I’ll be traveling to my in-laws early next week and am looking forward to allll the food next Thursday. What are your Thanksgiving plans? fresh ginger and turmeric Here is what I’ve been reading and […]
Friday Faves – No. 4

What a week, huh? Seems like so much has happened since we talked about Paleo skincare a few days ago. Tomorrow I am heading to The Emporiyum in DC and I am so pumped. I look forward to seeing all the vendors and trying some yummy food! What are you up to this weekend? Here […]
Friday Faves – No. 3

I LOVE November. I love the chill in the air, the anticipation of the holiday season, and mostly, I love Thanksgiving. I mean, it’s a holiday centered around a big meal and being grateful. Eating + Thankfulness = Crunchy Kat Happiness. So, welcome to my favorite month! I’ve been in Boston this week visiting a friend. […]