Hi, friends! Happy Friday! And welcome to another week of Crunchy Kat Friday Faves.
Friday Faves
Friday Faves – No. 17

Well, here we are again, friends. Another week down, another round of Crunchy Kat Friday Faves.
Friday Faves – No. 16

Welcome back to another round of Crunchy Kat Friday Faves! This week got off to a rough start but I’m back on track now. Plus, it’s Friday!
Friday Faves – No. 15

Happy Friday, friends! Let’s celebrate with another round of Crunchy Kat Friday Faves. Can you believe it’s almost February?! Lots of people don’t like February but it’s my birthday month so I always have something to look forward to! What are you doing this weekend? I’m spending the weekend with friends in Napa, CA so no […]
Friday Faves – No. 14

Friday, Friday, Friday! I love putting these Crunchy Kat Friday Faves posts together, I hope you enjoy reading them! Why is it that four day weeks always seem the longest? And if you’re here in the DC area, it’s possible you’re not working today either! #lucky What are you doing this weekend? I have plans […]
Friday Faves – No. 13

Is it just me or was the five day work week a rude awakening? Whoa. But fret not, we’re back with another round of Crunchy Kat’s Friday Faves. There are some gems in here this week. I’m looking forward to getting my first facial this weekend (Thanks, T!!), prepping a few future blog posts, and […]
Friday Faves – No. 12

This week has been a doozy! To cheer us up, here’s another round of Crunchy Kat Friday Faves. Here’s what I’ve been reading and listening to this week How to ripen an avocado in 10 minutes — Best. Tip. Ever. Can you heal your body with food? — Episode 3 of The Healthy Maven Podcast […]
Friday Faves – No. 11

I love the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day. There is always so much anticipation for the year to come. It’s also restful in a lot of cases so I hope you were able to get some rest this week. What are your plans for New Year’s Eve? I know for a lot of […]