It’s not a secret coconut oil is good for you. A quick Google search will tell you about all its benefits and why you should use it. But do you know what kind you should be using? And when? There are so many brands of coconut oil out there. It’s important for you to read […]
Thrive Tribe: a Paleo snack you can feel good about eating

Thrive Tribe snack bites are one of my go-to snacks these days. I met the Thrive Tribe team at Expo East after sampling one of their chocolate mint cookies. (They are so good.) So often when you switch to a paleo, vegan, or gluten-free diet, you feel like you have to sacrifice treats. Enter Thrive Tribe. […]
Wildway Grain Free Granola – a perfect treat

I met the gang from Wildway at Expo East back in September and their products instantly hooked me. I stopped by their booth three times over the course of two days. Kelli and Kyle started Wildway due to their passion for healthy living + adventure. They quickly realized that quality nutrition is a key element to […]
2016 Crunchy Kat Gift Guide

It’s that time of year again! I know many of you are currently planning your Thanksgiving menu, but Christmas is just around the corner. It will be here before we know it. Perhaps you are searching for a gift for someone in your life desiring to make some healthy changes. Or maybe you are looking […]
Pecan Butter

There is something about pecans that screams fall. The other day I was craving something toasty and warm and I developed this pecan butter recipe. You guys. This is a must try. It’s so good. I made my pecan butter a little thicker than most nut butter so it most resembles a spread. If you want […]
Pumpkin Spice Almond Milk

Did you know today, October 26th, is National Pumpkin Day? Even if you didn’t, happy #NationalPumpkinDay, friends! I made us a pumpkin spice almond milk to celebrate. We all know everyone is obsessed with pumpkin. And why shouldn’t we be? It’s delicious! Recently, a Jrink Juicery opened near my apartment. I love their Pumpkin Chai and […]
I tried Sun Basket, have you?

I don’t know about you, but every time Monday rolls around, I wonder what I’m going to make for dinner during the week ahead. One of my goals is to get better about meal prepping and planning over the weekends, but I’m not quite there yet. Enter Sun Basket. Have you heard of Sun Basket? […]
Vital Proteins: a review

One of the newest kids on the smoothie and latte block is collagen. Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body. It’s also an essential part of your connective tissue, nails, skin, and hair. I first heard about collagen peptides back in February when I did Whole30. I finally got to meet some of […]