Deciduous D’s Green Smoothie Recipe

    This is the first guest post on Crunchy Kat! And it’s a perfect recipe for this time of year. Did you overindulge in holiday treats? Have you told yourself you’re going to try something new in 2017? Perhaps you’re going to do a Whole 30 starting on January 1. Or, maybe you just love green smoothies! A […]

    Friday Faves – No. 10

    Man oh man. The holidays are busy, huh? I can’t believe Christmas is here! These last few weeks have been packed to the brim so I’m hoping to slow down and enjoy the season with my family this weekend. I’ve also spent the last week or so making plans for Crunchy Kat in 2017. I love […]

    Friday Faves – No. 9

    I thought it was Friday two days ago. That’s never a good sign. But it’s finally Friday for real! What are you up to this weekend? I’m celebrating Christmas with my in-laws (a few days early) and I’m really excited about it! Here is what I’ve been reading and listening to this week Why you […]

    Vegetable + Butcher: the New Kid on the Meal Delivery Block

    Last week I had the chance to meet two new friends, Turner and Ariane. Turner and Ariane founded Vegetable + Butcher, a new meal delivery service based in DC. About Vegetable + Butcher Vegetable + Butcher delivers freshly prepared meals to your door based on your dietary preferences. They have two options: vegan meals and […]

    Friday Faves – No. 8

    Happy Friday, friends! It’s finally cold where I am and all I want to do is curl up under a pile of blankets and make some tea. Pass the matcha, please! What do you have planned this weekend? I hope it’s something fun! Here is what I’ve been reading and listening to this week Six concealer […]

    What kind of coconut oil should I buy?

    It’s not a secret coconut oil is good for you. A quick Google search will tell you about all its benefits and why you should use it. But do you know what kind you should be using? And when? There are so many brands of coconut oil out there. It’s important for you to read […]

    Friday Faves – No. 7

    Weeks after holidays are hard, aren’t they? It’s hard to get back into the swing of things. At least it is for me. But let’s be honest, December is hardly a regular month. There are holiday parties to attend, happy hours to host, and presents to wrap! Seems like our to-do lists are never-ending. I […]

    Green Beauty Fragrances

    About a month ago, a reader asked me about fragrances and perfumes. She is looking for better options and doesn’t necessarily want to wear an essential oil by itself. Before we dive into a few brands I’d recommend, let’s talk about why you should look for a more natural alternative to the perfume you wear […]