A lot of people ask me which personal care products to switch out first when moving towards cleaner beauty options. My answer is always the same: I recommend switching out the products you use most frequently first. After that, I’d replace the products that cover the most amount of skin. Tinted Moisturizer I’ve already admitted […]
MDSolar Sciences: a review

Even though summer is almost over (say it isn’t so!), I have a new favorite sunscreen to share with you! For most of my life, I haven’t been very good at remembering to apply sunscreen. I know, I know. But now that the threat of skin cancer and sun damage has sunk in, I’m trying […]
Root: a review

I first heard of Root a few months ago on Nicolle Mackinnon’s Instagram account. I visited Root’s site right away and loved their mission but thought it would be hard to buy makeup online without testing the colors first. Given my predicament, I was delighted to find the ladies from Root at the Indie Beauty Expo! […]
Indie Beauty Expo 2016 Recap

On Wednesday, August 24, I went to the Indie Beauty Expo at the Metropolitan Pavilion in New York City. You guys. It was AMAZING. I had such a blast walking around, meeting all the vendors, and chatting with a few brands a bit more in depth. I picked up several new-to-me products and I can’t […]
cleansing oil

At first, I was skeptical about using an oil to clean my face. But this cleansing oil, the Vitamin B Enzyme Cleansing Oil + Makeup Remover from One Love Organics, converted me. It was one of the first oils I tried and I’ve never looked back. The scent of this cleanser is nice + light + […]
daily makeup routine

I am a makeup hoarder. When I was in high school, I used to spend all the money I made lifeguarding on makeup. But, I used to keep it in its package, I loved just looking at it! So lame. These days I still don’t wear a lot of makeup, but I am trying to […]
two current hair care favorites

I wanted to share two of my current hair care favorites. I first heard about Yarok a few years ago and my entry into their line was with their “Feed Your Volume” shampoo. I still love that shampoo, but I was recently given a sample of the “Feed Your Moisture” shampoo by Integrity Botanicals and I […]