I’ve been in Boston this week visiting a friend. I went to Dig Inn for a delicious lunch bowl and ordered Nectar and Green almond milk to have on hand during my visit. What can I say, I love the simple things.
What are you up to this weekend?
Sunset from Bunker Hill in Boston
Here is what I’ve been reading and listening to this week
The Best of the Best — Green Beauty pro, Kristen Arnett, shares her top favorites in Green Beauty after SIX years of testing. This is legit, people. (And did you see Meow Meow Tweet’s deodorant won an award?!)
Just discovered this shop, Be Clean, this past weekend — The owner, Becky, was so nice and her stock list looks awesome. If you’re local, you can visit in person.
Pass the Golden Milk, please!
How to transition after doing a Whole30 — If you are thinking of doing a Whole30, this article offers some good tips.
Let’s throw it back with this jam this week — Don’t you want to be Courtney in this video?
I don’t know about you, but I definitely find this to be true.
The Yards Park, DC
And, in case you missed it…
- My pecan butter recipe
- Non-Toxic Deodorant Review — there are still a few more hours to enter the Meow Meow Tweet Deodorant Giveaway!